La Canadienne

Expanding La Canadienne's Reach on Amazon USA and Canada

Confronted with the pandemic's impact on brick-and-mortar retail sales, La Canadienne sought out Ascendis to forge a path forward through a pioneering digital and omnichannel strategy. The objective was to transcend the barriers of physical retail limitations and tap into a new segment of consumers.

Strategic Amazon Launch

Ascendis spearheaded the launch of La Canadienne on Amazon's platforms in both Canada and the USA. Our approach was calculated and methodical, utilizing a tried-and-tested Amazon process to ensure that La Canadienne’s product offerings were not just visible but irresistible to shoppers.

Ongoing Engagement and Growth

With an eye for detail and a deep understanding of Amazon’s intricate marketplace, we curated La Canadienne's listings to capture the essence of the brand, highlighting the quality and elegance that customers associate with their products. Through strategic pricing, enhanced content, and search-optimized listings, we crafted an Amazon presence that spoke directly to the needs and desires of a broad audience.

The move to Amazon has opened doors for La Canadienne, allowing the brand to engage with customers beyond the confines of traditional retail and adapt to the shifting shopping behaviors brought on by the pandemic. With Ascendis at the helm, La Canadienne's Amazon storefronts have become a key component of their sales strategy, driving growth and establishing a robust online presence in the North American market.